Durga Yael Bernhard is the illustrator and designer of numerous children's books, including fiction and non-fiction, natural science titles, Jewish-themed books, and multicultural concept books. She is also the author of eight of her titles. Durga brings a variety of influences to her work, including a strong grounding in rhythm and design, and a deep love of African culture, Eastern and Western religion, and the natural world.
SELECT awardS🏅
A Publisher's Weekly Starred Review: Never Say A Mean Word Again
American Bookseller Association Pick of the List: A Ride on Mother's Back
A Children's Book Council Notable Book: While You Were Sleeping
Award-Winning Finalist in the "Children's Religious" category of the 2015 USA Best Book Awards - The Dreidel That Wouldn’t Spin
PW Starred Review - Never Say a Mean Word Again
The American Folklore Society, Aesop Accolade Award 2014 - Never Say a Mean Word Again
Middle East Book Awards, Honorable Mention 2014 Picture Book Category - Never Say a Mean Word Again
USA Best Book Awards, Finalist in the Children's Picture Book: Hardcover Fiction Category 2014 - Never Say a Mean Word Again
Winner of the Sydney Taylor Award 2014 - Never Say a Mean Word Again
National Jewish Book Council finalist 2014 - Never Say a Mean Word Again
Tablet Magazine, One of the Best Jewish Books of 2014 - Never Say a Mean Word Again
Star Review in Jewish Book World - Never Say a Mean Word Again
Winner of the 2014 Storytelling Award for young listeners - Never Say a Mean Word Again
Skipping Stones Honor book in Multicultural & International Books division - Never Say a Mean Word Again
Notable Book in the Field of Social Studies by the Children's Book Council - While You Were Sleeping
American Bookseller Pick of the Lists - A Ride on Mother’s Back
Best Children's Bug Book (Young Entomologists Society - Dragonfly
Notable Book in the Field of Social Studies by the Children's Book Council - Green Bible Stories for Children
Winner of the Pennsylvania Please Touch Museum's annual Book Award - In the Fiddle is A Song
Child Magazine's Best Books of 2006 - In the Fiddle is A Song
NCSS-CBC Notable Children's Trade Book in the Field of Social Studies - Spotted Eagle & Black Crow
American Folklore Society Aesop Award - The Girl Who Wanted to Hunt: A Siberian tale
Books Published
Martha Seif Simpson
Wisdom Tales, 2014
Award-Winning Finalist in the "Children's Religious" category of the 2015 USA Best Book Awards
Jacqueline Jules
Wisdom Tales Publishing, 2014
PW Starred Review
The American Folklore Society, Aesop Accolade Award 2014
Middle East Book Awards, Honorable Mention 2014 Picture Book Category
USA Best Book Awards, Finalist in the Children's Picture Book: Hardcover Fiction Category 2014
Winner of the Sydney Taylor Award 2014
National Jewish Book Council finalist 2014
Tablet Magazine, One of the Best Jewish Books of 2014
Star Review in Jewish Book World
Winner of the 2014 Storytelling Award for young listeners
Skipping Stones Honor book in Multicultural & International Books division.
Durga Yael Bernhard
Charlesbridge Publishing, 2011
Notable Book in the Field of Social Studies by the Children's Book Council 2011
Emery Bernhard
Harcourt Children's Books, 1996
American Bookseller Pick of the Lists
Durga Yael Bernhard
Orchard Books, 2000
Selected as "Outstanding" by the Parent Council, Ltd.
Durga Yael Bernhard
Charlesbridge Publishing, 2011
Notable Book in the Field of Social Studies by the Children's Book Council 2011
Durga Yael Bernhard
Chronicle Books, 2006
Winner of the Pennsylvania Please Touch Museum's annual Book Award
Child Magazine's Best Books of 2006
Emery Bernhard
Holiday House, 1992
NSTA Outstanding Book for Children
Best Children's Bug Book (Young Entomologists Society)
Emery Bernhard
Holiay House, 1993
NCSS-CBC Notable Children's Trade Book in the Field of Social Studies
Emery Bernhard
Holiday House, 1994
American Folklore Society Aesop Award
Client list:
Harcourt Brace/Gulliver Books
Chronicle Books
Orchard Books
Harper SanFrancisco
Pearson Scott Foresman
McGraw Hill
Anchor Wallace Publishing
Brown Publishing Network
Hampton Brown Publishing
Holiday House
Stackpole Books
Walker Books & Co.
Hudson River Revival Clearwater Festival
United Church of Christ
Hamilton College
Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice
The Center for Adoption
Mothering Magazine
Cornell University Cooperative Extension
Narada Records
Amber Lotus Publishing
Mother Tongue Ink
Ashtree Publishing
Pomegranate Artbooks
Midwives Alliance of North America
Fareta School of African Dance
And Baby Magazine
Bread Alone Bakery
Sunflower Natural Foods
Spider Magazine
Pronk Associates
Generation Challenge Program
Shalom Mountain Retreat Center
Yeowon Media, Korea
Harcourt Educational
Wilkinson Studios